Business Directory

Newquay Council Services

5 businesses and 5 on the map

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CCTV Service

Marcus Hill, Newquay, TR7 1AF
01637 878388 Visit website
The Newquay Town Council CCTV Service, based in Newquay Police Station, works in partnership with Devon and Cornwall Police to improve community safety, to prevent and/or detect crime and to help reduce the fear of crime.

Environment Service

Marcus Hill, Newquay, TR7 1AF
01637 878388 Visit website
The Environmental Team are responsible for the upkeep of footpaths and open spaces in and around Newquay.

Facilities Service

Marcus Hill, Newquay, TR7 1AF
01637 878388 Visit website
The Facilities Service is responsible for cleaning and managing all 11 sets of public toilets throughout the town.
They also manage all Council buildings, carrying out risk assessments and dealing with their maintain an effort.

Library and Information Service

Marcus Hill, Newquay, TR7 1BD
01637 878388 Visit website
The Library and Information Service is a combined service incorporating the old Cornwall Council One Stop Shop and the Library.
Lots of community groups meet at the Library. Take a look at the website.

Newquay Corporate Service

Marcus Hill, Newquay, TR7 1AF
01637 878388 Visit website
The Corporate Service Office, also known as the Town Clerk’s Office, is the administrative hub of the Council.