Session Testimonials

Feedback from our awareness sessions is very important to us. Please read our latest feedback below.

Vivien McCall
Information on carers assessment grant, carers credit and treatment escalation plan.
April 2024
Gillian Lilly
Lots of simple things which can be so easy and make you, the carer, feel much better!
December 2023
Really helpful in confirming what is going on in the brain, and practical tips for how to respond and talk with him
December 2023
Lacey Keast
Gained a wider understanding of how to interact with a person with dementia.
November 2023
Ria Lord
Awareness of how dementia can slowly change a person and how to support them as they deteriorate
November 2023
Matthew Bradshaw
"much more awareness about how much more patient you need to be with the people affected"
November 2023
Matt Getson
I thought I knew a lot about dementia, I know nothing compared to what Lynn and her team delivered today! So interesting and informative.
August 2023
Darren Lenard
I've known Lynn for a while working for CornwallCare, always picking up tips along the way.
August 2023
John Rhodes
A broad and very informative view of dementia, its effects and ways to deal with sufferers. Most of which I had no previous knowledge of.
August 2023
Esther Sherwen
Thanks Lynn, informative and great to hear your personal experiences, your sense of humour is so vital when talking about this emotional subject.
August 2023
Jess Longworth
A great session, helpful and highlighted things people would not normally notice. Kept it lighthearted and fun but also serious.
August 2023
Ailsa Joy Sharrock
A reminder to see the bigger picture in situations and to take time with people. Patience!
August 2023
Lee Pountney
An awareness of early symptoms and how to treat and behave around dementia
August 2023
Judith May
Thought provoking, absolutely brilliant, the realisation of dementia was presented so clearly.
August 2023
Lauren Baker
I learnt so much about how to communicate with anyone with dementia.
August 2023